- Assessed the managerial effectiveness of over 1,600 executives through psychological testing
- Designed and installed a managerial assessment and selection system utilized by a retail chain in 11 acquisitions totaling 400 stores
- Directed, supported, or provided the downsizing support for over 15,000 managers and 18,000 employees from a variety of industries
- Established transition centers in 8 corporations
- Currently provide outsourced Human Resource support for 670 privately held retail companies
- Lead pre- and post- merger change management interventions in health care, banking, utility, mining, pharmaceutical, and retail settings
- Additional client companies have included, Society of Automotive Engineers, Dravo Lime, Bank One, Phar-mor, UPMC, AT&T, Martin Marietta, Textron Automotive, Univ. of New Hampshire, Wilson
Learning, Drake Beam Morin, Parke-Davis, LTV, General Motors, Mellon Bank, Oxford University, General Electric, EDS,, Merrill Lynch, Borg Warner, Chase Manhattan, Pfizer, Westinghouse, Pitt Ohio
Trucking, Computer Tech, Excel Logistics, Toyota Canada
- Member: American Society for Training & Development, American Psychological Association